Bloom App
The official Documentation for Thunkable August Hackathon's winning entry, Bloom App.
Bloom is a Back-to-School helping app, which provides access to the Student of features like Recent Notices, Latest Events, a Translator, and much more surprising features!
All features
Recent Notices - the student has the ability to view the notices published by his/her teacher.
Moments - A photo wall for the whole school, where any "Teacher" can post his/her class activities/events photos to whole school.
Projects - The student also has the ability to browse the assigned projects to the class & can also take a look at what projects are other classes getting.
Notes - The student can also take his important notes on the go; with the ability of deleting/viewing them later.
ToDo(s) - The student can also organize his work with the ToDo(s) feature, similar to the Notes, he can also view/delete them later.
Dictionary - This feature allows the student to access the Learner's Dictionary, (powered by the Webster's Dictionary) where he/she gets the word type, definition, plural of the given word.
Translator - The student can also Translate English to any supported language he/she wishes.
My Feed - The student can also get his feed, which consists of top articles for students, suggested books to read, helpful sites, and more.
Search a book's details - This is a very advanced and useful feature for a student. He/She can the book's main & important deails of the book he/she is holding by just entering the "ISBN" number of the book (which is found at the back side of the book).
Types of Users
Students - These have access to view everything - dictionary, translator, read notices, projects, etc. (They cannot add/edit anything like notices, projects & moments)
Teachers - They are the content providers; i.e., they only can give Notices, Projects, & Moments.
Airtable Spreadsheet Usage
The Airtable Spreadsheet is used as the primary Database for the App. Only 1 Spreadsheet is used. The Spreadsheet consists of the following Tables, with their respective Column headers written under them :
Students : This store the data of the Students after their Registration/Sign up.
Name - This stores the Student's entered Name. (Column field type : Single_line_text)
Grade - This stores the Student's selected Grade which he/she studies. (Column field type : Single_line_text)
Teachers :
Name - This stores the Teacher's entered Name. (Column field type : Single_line_text)
Teaching Grade - This stores the Teacher's selected Grade which he/she teaches. (Column field type : Single_line_text)
Notices :
Notice - This stores the Notice Body given by the teacher. (Column field type : Single_line_text)
Date - This stores the date of when the notice was published. (Column field type : Single_line_text)
Projects :
Description - This stores the Project Description given by the teacher. (Column field type : Single_line_text)
Due Date - This stores the submission date of the project. (Column field type : Single_line_text)
Class - This stores the projects's grade (what grade students are applicable for this project). (Column field type : Single_line_text)
Moments :
Pic - This stores the Cloudinary URL of the image picked by the teacher. (Column field type : Single_line_text)
Caption - This stores the caption for the moment (the image). (Column field type : Single_line_text)
Web API Usage
There are 2 Web API components used in App. One is used for the special feature in app - the Dictionary. It is powered by The Webster's Learners Dictionary API.
For the best usage of Dictionary API, please ensure that you apply your Learner's Dictionary; You can apply for API Key here : (Please make sure you apply for only 1 key - the Learner's Dictionary) After the Registration, you can find the Learner's API key here -
The Second API, is used for returning a book's details by inputting the book's ISBN no. The API's documentation can be found here - To get best results, please replace my own API Key's with your keys; You can get your own Google Books API Key here : After creating a project on Google Developer's Console, Select the Project from the "Spinner" on top left corner of the page. Then on the Dashboard, tap "Enable APIs and Services", then search & select the "Google Books API". Next, click the "Enable" button. You will be redirected to Dashboard; After this, in the message - "To use this API, you may need credentials." click "Create Credentials" button. After that, please select the "Google Books API" from the API spinner, then select "Other UI - e.g.: Windows" and then "Public Data". Now you will get the API key by clicking "What credentials do I need?". Please paste the API key in the "when books_btn clicked" block (there is a comment written on the block for ease) on the "dict and books" screen in the project.
Other Keys
For the Yandex Translator, I have applied my own key; to make sure app runs perfectly, please apply your key.
For Cloudinary DB, I have applied my own cloud credentials; to make sure photos upload perfectly, please apply your credentials.
The app's design was made with the help of website. Almost whole of the app uses card type designs, according to Google's Material Designing Principles.
Color Pallete
#00B8FF - The app's primary color.
#4A4A4A - Text colors for the app.
#E67373 - Notices' screen theme color.
#1B97F3- Projects' screen theme color.
#40024E - Moments' screen theme color.
Icons from - Flaticon. Thanks to for amazing icons!
Design ideas from - MaterialX app on playStore. This app is very useful for designing ideas, with example templates provided.
Thunkable X Platform, the back-bone of the app. If this was not there, this great design, such features and the whole app was not possible. Huge thanks to Thunkable X.
Last updated
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